发布日期:2023-11-20   作者:yl6809永利官网  浏览数:1754














安雄芳,男,汉族,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,yl6809永利官网yl6809永利官网环境与生物工程系教师,现为微生物资源开发与利用团队成员。yl6809永利官网&浙江农林大学联合培养博士。作为负责人目前主持国家自然科学基金1项,省部级项目4项,校级项目1项。曾获得新疆“天池英才”引进计划,荣获“创青春”全国大学生创业大赛-铜奖(2018),连续获得博士研究生国家奖学金2次(2020,2021),宝钢优秀奖学金(2021),yl6809永利官网三好学生(2021);yl6809永利官网优秀毕业生(2022),yl6809永利官网优秀博士学位论文(2022),在Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Bioresource Technology, biochar等期刊发表文章20余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表论文15余篇。主要讲授《环境工程原理》与《环境工程原理实验》等课程。


2013 9-2017 7    陇东学院    本科      

 2017 9-2022 6    yl6809永利官网  硕博连读  

2019 8-2019 11   澳大利亚-纽卡斯尔大学     交流学习

2020 12-2021 10  浙江农林大学   联合培养

 2021 10-2022 5   西安工程大学   联合培养


2023.09-至今     yl6809永利官网yl6809永利官网环境与生物工程系 副教授

2022.09-2023.09  yl6809永利官网yl6809永利官网环境与生物工程系 讲 师










1. An, Xiongfang; Wu, Zhansheng*; Shi, Wen; Qi, Huihua; Zhang, Luohong; Xu, Xiaolin; Yu, Bing*, Biochar for simultaneously enhancing the slow-release performance of fertilizers and minimizing the pollution of pesticides. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 124865. (1区, IF=14.588)

2. An, Xiongfang; Yu, Jianglong; Yu, Junzhi; Tahmasebi, Arash; Wu, Zhansheng*; Liu, Xiaochen; Yu, Bing*, Incorporation of biochar into semi-interpenetrating polymer networks through graft co-polymerization for the synthesis of new slow-release fertilizers, Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 272, 122731. (中科院 1区,IF=10.297)

3. An, Xiongfang; Wu, Zhansheng*; Qin, Huihua; Liu, Xuan; He, Yanhui; Xu, Xiaolin; Li, Tao; Yu, Bing*, Integrated co-pyrolysis and coating for the synthesis of a new coated biochar-based fertilizer with enhanced slow-release performance, Journal of Cleaner Production 2020,124642. (中科院 1区, IF=10.297)

4. An, Xiongfang; Wu, Zhansheng*; Yu, Junzhi; Ge, Linhan; Li, Tao; Liu, Xiaochen; Yu, Bing*, High-efficiency reclaiming phosphate from an aqueous solution by bentonite modified biochars: A slow release fertilizer with a precise rate regulation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8 (15), 6090-6099 (中科院 1区, IF=9.198)

5.An, Xiongfang; Wu, Zhansheng*; Yu, Junzhi; Cravotto, Giancarlo; Liu, Xiaochen; Li, Qing; Yu, Bing*, Co-pyrolysis of biomass, bentonite, and nutrients as a new strategy for the synthesis of improved biochar-based slow-release fertilizers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8 (8), 3181-3190 (中科院 1区, IF=9.198)

6.An, Xiongfang; Wu, Zhansheng*; Liu, Xuan; Shi, Wen; Tian, Fei; Yu, Bing*. A new class of biochar-based slow-release phosphorus fertilizers with high water retention based on integrated co-pyrolysis and co-polymerization. Chemosphere, 2021, 285: 131481. (中科院 2区, IF=8.986)

7. An, Xiongfang; Wang, Haixing; Dong, Chang; Jiang, Peikun; Wu, Zhansheng*; Yu, Bing*. Core-shell P-laden biochar/ZnO/g-C3N4 composite for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of atrazine and improved P slow-release performance, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2021 (中科院 1区, IF=9.968)

8.An, Xiongfang; Chen, Yang; Ao, Minghui; Jin, Yahui; Zhan, Liwei; Yu, Bing*; Wu*, Zhansheng; Jiang, Peikun. Sequential photocatalytic degradation of organophosphorus pesticides and recovery of orthophosphate by biochar/a-Fe2O3/MgO composite: a new enhanced strategy for reducing the impacts of organophosphorus from wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 135087. (中科院 1区, IF=16.788)

9.An, Xiongfang; Xu, Xiaolin; Guo, Weijie; Chen, Zepu; Miao, Zhiyin; Yuan, Jiayi; Wu, Zhansheng. Bi-functional biochar-g-C3N4-MgO composites for simultaneously minimizing pollution:Photocatalytic degradation of pesticide and phosphorus recovery as slow-release fertilizer 2023 Journal of Environmental Management 344:118489 (中科院 1区, IF=16.788)

10. Deliang Guo, Xinru Wang, Qikai Fu, Ling Li, Runze Li, Xiaolin Xu, Xiongfang An*. Integrated tea polyphenols and polydopamine functionalized graphene anode for improved bioelectricity generation and Cr (VI) reduction in microbial fuel cells. 2024, 142858.(中科院 1区,;IF=8.1);

11. Deng, Zihe; Wang, Jianwen; He, Yanhui; Tu, Zhuo; Tian, Fei; Li, Haijie; Wu, Zhansheng; Xiongfang An*. Biochar-based Bacillus subtilis inoculant for enhancing plants disease prevention: microbiota response and root exudates regulation.(中科院 1区, IF=13.1);

12. Guo, Deliang; Fu, Qikai; Wang, Xinru; Li, Ling; Xu, Xiaolin; Xiongfang An*.Natural tea polyphenol functionalized graphene anode for simultaneous power production and degradation of methyl orange dye in microbial fuel cells.(中科院 2区;IF=3.9);

13. Zhang, Xiaoyu; Xiong, Youpeng; Wang, Xiaohao; Wen, Zhennan; Xu, Xiaolin; Cui, Jianbing; Liu, Zhongwang; Wei, Linna; An, Xiongfang An*. MgO-modified biochar by modifying hydroxyl and amino groups for selective phosphate removal: Insight into phosphate selectivity adsorption mechanism through experimental and theoretical. (中科院 1区,IF=8.2);


1. 武占省,安雄芳,余俊志,韩亚杰,一种膨润土改性生物炭及其制备方法和应用CN201811544823.5

2. 武占省,安雄芳,杨任鹏,杨霞,李庆,一种生物炭复合膨润土基磷钾缓释肥及其制备的方法CN201910080472.5

3. 武占省,安雄芳,余兵,刘啸尘,何艳慧,一种包膜生物炭缓释肥料的合成方法CN202010883002.5

4. 苗志银,安雄芳,范建华,沈满,刘俊麟,徐小琳,阳离子改性絮凝剂、同步絮凝微藻回收磷及制备生物肥,中国专利,申请号:2024103964271。

5. 刘俊麟,安雄芳,张潇予,范建华,王国敬,何艺薇,徐小琳,微藻-纳米光催化剂杂化体系及有机磷农药定向转化的应用,中国专利,申请号:2024104125279。

