发布日期:2017-06-14   作者:绿色化工实验室  浏览数:419


讲座题目:Active Adsorbents for Molecular Separation

主讲人:尚进 博士 香港城市大学能源与环境学院

时 间:2017年6月19日(周一)16:00

地 点:yl6809永利官网逸夫实验楼学术报告厅215

Abstract:Molecular separation plays a key role in energy and environmental technologies. Here we present our recent discovery of a new “active” molecular sieving mechanism –“molecular trapdoor” – in a class of chabazite zeolites through combined experimental and atomistic simulation works. These trapdoor chabazite absorbents have their eight-membered-ring (8MR) aperture (the only possible gas passage) blocked by some extraframework cations. Some specific gas molecules can interact with the aperture-keeping cations to induce temporary and reversible cation deviation from the center of 8MR aperture, allowing for the gas admission. The different chemical/physical interaction capability of various gas molecules with the aperture-keeping cations endows a selective gas admission, which is in striking contrast to conventional sieving mechanism where the molecular size plays a decisive role. A novel absorption model is developed to quantitatively describe the isobar adsorption curves (i.e., adsorption amount as a function of temperature) for our “active” trapdoor chabazites. 

主讲人简介:尚进博士现任职助理教授(独立项目负责人)于香港城市大学能源与环境学院,主要从事气体吸附分离技术在环境保护和能量产生与储存方面的研究,应用于二氧化碳捕捉,天然气纯化,生物沼气分离,空气中氮氧化物的去除,和能源气体的储存等。尚博士分别于2007年和2009年在东北大学获得环境工程学士和硕士学位,2013年在澳大利亚墨尔本大学取得化学工程博士学位。其博士毕业论文(碳捕捉的新型分离机理—“分子陷阱门”效应)获得2013 年度墨尔本大学工程学院最佳博士论文奖,2014 年度墨尔本大学杰出博士论文校长奖。博士毕业后在墨尔本大学化学工程系和美国佐治亚理工大学化工系做过3年半博士后研究。到目前为止,在包括Journal of the American Chemical Society, Nature Communications, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters, Chemical Communications等国际知名学术期刊上发表过26篇文章,做过>50次国际会议墙报或报告,取得2项国际专利申请。