发布日期:2017-06-10   作者:绿色化工实验室  浏览数:422


讲座题目:Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy


时 间:2017年6月15日(周四)18:00

地 点:yl6809永利官网逸夫实验楼学术报告厅215

Abstract:The critical issues of fossil fuels are their limited natural sources and contribution to the increase of atmospheric greenhouse gases. To solve those issues, hydrogen is being developed as a promising alternative fuel, and the conversion of CO2 into valuable materials is considered as an effective approach to control the emission of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, solar energy is the largest energy source and technologies are being developed to exploit solar energy efficiently. In this talk, Prof. Hu will discuss his research on: (1) design and synthesis of 3D graphene for solar energy conversion and electrical energy storage and (2) temperature-induced visible light photocatalytic production of hydrogen from water.

